La Illaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah.

'There is no God but Allah and Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, is his Messenger'

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~ Zakaat ~

Please visit here to make a monetary donation if this Site has been of any value or assistance to you. They are not our sponsors, we ask for nothing in return, it is simply the right thing to do.

For charity and donations, especially for family and friends back home who wish to contribute to the prayers of their loved ones on Hajj, consider this. Zakaat is not just about money, it is about the nature of mankind to be good, helpful and wise, making this world a better place.

Help the Worlds poor, needy, and incapable, defend the principles of Islam.

Make this world a safer place, for everyone around you.

Give hope to those that have none, save those who face Shaitan, show courage in the face of all hardships.

Most importantly, share knowledge, wisdom and compassion, especially where the written word has yet to be seen. Remember always, the first thing commanded of the Prophet (SAW):

"READ! In the name of your Almighty Lord, who created Mankind from a droplet of blood." [96:01]

Without your kindness and generosity, discipline, care and wisdom, there is no hope for those that cannot afford to learn how to be righteous.




"He (Allah) intends every facility for you, He does not want to put you into difficulties." [2:185]

All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds.



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